SM handles:

Educational Qualification (highest): Ph.D.

Area of Research: Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Data Analytics and Security in Internet of Things (IoT).

Department: Information Technology

Basic Information:
  • Email
  • Landline extension:022-45024727
  • Desk (location):Faculty room 701
About (Awards, Patents, Committees):
  • Core team member for NIRF, MPSTME Mumbai
  • Module coordinator for Research & Project in Department of IT.
  • Coordinator for MBA Tech (IT) Project’s.
  • Faculty In-Charge for the Faculty Development Program (FDP) in Department of IT.
  • Published an Indian Patent on the title “Attentive Generative Adversarial Networks for Brain Tumor Detection and Classification” in Dec 2023
  • Published an Indian Patent on the title “Generative Adversarial Networks Based Machine Learning Model for Skin Cancer Detection and Classification.” in Feb 2024
  • Elsevier SSRN’s Top Ten download of paper title: “An Unstructured to Structured Data Conversion using Machine Learning Algorithm In Internet Of Things (IOT)” in 2021.


  • Verma, Saurav; Jain, Khushboo; Prakash, Chetana; “An Unstructured to Structured Data Conversion using Machine Learning Algorithm in Internet of Things (IoT)”,Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing & Communications (ICICC), 2020
  • Sarin, Aditya; Thanawala, Deveshi; Verma, Saurav; Prakash, Chetana; “Implementation of New Approach to Secure IoT Networks with Encryption and Decryption Techniques”, 2020 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT),01-Jul, 2020
  • Sharma, Aishwarya; Panda, Siba; Verma, Saurav; Sign language to speech translation 2020 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT),01-Aug,2020
  • Jain, Vinod; Verma, Saurav; “Design and characteristics comparison of MicroCantilever for integrated sensing applications”,2013 International Conference on Advances in Technology and Engineering (ICATE),01-Apr,2013
  • Verma, Saurav; Gala, Rahul; Madhavan, S; Burkule, Sanchit; Chauhan, Swapnil; Prakash, Chetana; “An Internet of Things (IoT) architecture for smart agriculture”,2018 fourth international conference on computing communication control and automation (ICCUBEA),01-Apr, 2018
  • Vashi, Shivangi; Ram, Jyotsnamayee; Modi, Janit; Verma, Saurav; Prakash, Chetana; “Internet of Things (IoT): A vision, architectural elements, and security issues”,2017 international conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud)(I-SMAC), 492-496,2017
  • Chetty, Harish; Shah, Monit; Kabaria, Samarth; Verma, Saurav; “A survey on brain tumor extraction approach from MRI images using image processing”,2017 2nd International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT),534-538,2017
  • Kaul, Chaitanya; Kaul, Ashmin; Verma, Saurav; “Comparitive study on healthcare prediction systems using big data”, 2015 International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS),01-Jul,2015
  • Moorthy, Rahul; Behera, Swikriti; Verma, Saurav; Bhargave, Shreyas; Ramanathan, Prasad; “Applying image processing for detecting on-shelf availability and product positioning in retail stores”,Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Women in Computing and Informatics,451-457,2015
  • Mehta, Parth; Shah, Hetasha; Shukla, Soumya; Verma, Saurav; “A review on algorithms for pathfinding in computer games”, International Conference on Innovations in Information Embedded and Communication Systems, 2015
  1. Saurav Verma, Dr.Chetana Prakash; “An analysis of modeling techniques and security algorithm  for machine-to-machine communication in IoT network”,International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA),13,Issue 4,01-Jul,2023
  2. Saurav Verma, Dr Chetana Prakash; “IOT Security Against Network Anomalies through Ensemble of Classifiers Approach”,International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11,7s, 2023
  3. Saurav Verma, Dr.Chetana Prakash; “IoT Security Against Network Anomalies through Ensemble of Classifiers Approach”,International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication,11,7s,54–63, 2022
  4. Rahul Gala, Saurav Verma, Umang Kumar, Harish Ojha; “A Survey of Intelligent Traffic Light Control Systems”, International Journal of Computer Applications, 180,31-36,2018
  5. Moorthy, Rahul; Behera, Swikriti; Verma, Saurav; “On-shelf availability in retailing”,International Journal of Computer Applications,115,23, 2015
  6. Bairagi, Swati; Verma, Saurav; Kaul, Chaitanya; “Review on Self Organization in Next Generation Mobile Network”,International Journal of Computer Applications 114,13, 2015
  7. Verma, Saurav; Jain, Vinod; “Comparative Study of Microcantilever-based Sensor for Biosensing Applications”,Advanced Materials Research 1064, 205-212,  2015
  8. Kaul, Chaitanya; Verma, Saurav; “A review paper on cross platform mobile application development IDE”, IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) 17,1,30-33, 2015
  9. Verma, Saurav, Ojha Harish, Nerurkar, Amit; “Text dependent speaker Identification by using Euclidian Distance”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 4,12, 124-126, 2014
  10. Jain, Vinod; Verma, Saurav; “Design and analysis of MEMS piezoresistive three layers microcantilever-based sensor for biosensing applications”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering,2, 5, 2013
  1. Tandon, Sabina; Verma, Saurav; “Early Detection of Parkinson’s Disease Using Computer Vision”,Data Management, Analytics and Innovation:  Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologiesbook series (LNDECT,volume 71), Springer,. 20 September 2021. 
  • Project Title: “Applying Image Processing for Detecting On-Shelf Availability and Product Positioning in Retail Stores” , IGATE Global Solutions, 2015.
  • Project Title: “COSMOS: A ubiquitous automation solution”, Just Dial Limited, 2018.