Educational Qualification (highest):
  • M.Eng
  • MBA
  • B.E.

Specialization : Data Science, Business operations

Academic Experience: 6 years

Number of M. Tech Students guided: 20

  1. Performance Assessment in the Virtual Classroom, University of California, Irvine
  2. Learning to Teach Online, University of New South Wales, Sydney
Conference Publication:
  1. “Data Science Facet and Fundamental Elucidating of its artisans ilk”, Kartikay Laddha, , JayKrishna Joshi, International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) ISSN : 2454-9150 Vol-06, Issue-02, May 2020
  2. “Smartphone Recommendation System by Analyzing Customer Sentiments”, Eshan Chatty, Jaykrishna Joshi, SARC International Conference,
    Nagpur, India ISBN: 978-93-90150-31-1, 2021
  3. “OCR on Sanskrit Language using Tesseract”, Sagarika Raje, Jaykrishna Joshi, International Conference on Robotics, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Paper ID:SA-MLAI-NGPR-231021-2613, 2021
  4. “Portfolio Optimization and Analysis Using Principal Component Analysis and Modern Portfolio Theory”, Nihal Todankar, Jaykrishna Joshi, International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN (Print): 2394- 7926, Volume- 7, Issue- 12, 2021
  5. “Objective Type Question Paper Generation”, Samar Save, Jaykrishna Joshi, International Journal of Management and Applied Science, ISSN (Print): 2394-7926, Volume- 7, Issue- 12, 2021
  6. “Network-centric Empirical Analysis of Bitcoins cryptocurrency organization”, Jaykrishna Joshi, R. P. Sharma, Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing Instrumentation and Control Technologies, Publisher: IEEE, Year: 2022
  7. “Unmasking Privacy Leakage through Android Apps Obscured with Hidden Permissions”, Pranav Kotak; Shweta Bhandari; Akka Zemmari; Jaykrishna Joshi, 18th International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, Publisher: IEEE, Year: 2021