Academic Profile:
Educational Qualification (highest):
  • Ph. D. (Computer Engineering)
  • M. Tech. (Computer Engineering)
  • B.E. (Computer Science & Engineering)

Area of Research: Machine Learning, Health Informatics, Data Mining

Department: Computer Engineering

PhD Scholars: 01

Basic Information:
  • Email Id:
  • Landline extension: 022-4502-4759
  • Desk (location): Cubicle 4, Faculty Area 401, Fourth Floor, MPSTME new building

About (Awards, Patents, Committees): Life Member, ISTE.

Service Activities (Within Organization)
  • Program Coordinator- B.Tech.-Computer Engineering (2023 onwards)
  • Program Coordinator- M.Tech.-Computer Engineering (2015 to 2019)
Service Activities (Outside Organization)
  • Invited as Speaker in International Conclave on Radiotherapy and Radiology (iCARE-2023), organised by SAMEER at IIT Bombay to deliver talk on “AI/ML is Boon to Doctors” -May 2023.
  • Co-chaired a technical session in “22nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications” organized by MIR Labs, USA in collaboration with Springer -Dec 2022.
  • Invited as Resource Person for talk on “Role of Consistency in achieving Success” under MPHEQIP-WB at Govt. P.G. College, Mhow (M.P.) – Dec 2022.
  • Invited as Resource Person for topic “Ensemble model for Dementia Prediction using MRI” in 21st MRI Teaching Course-FDP for Radiologists, Mumbai-August 2022.
  • Invited as Resource Person for talk on “Applications of Image Processing in Medical Domain” for SIRTS, SAGE University, Bhopal (M.P.)- July 2020.
  • Invited as Resource Person for talk on “Scope of Data Mining in IT Industry” at KITS, Ramtek, RTM University, Nagpur (M.S.)- February 2018.


  1. Prashasti Kanikar, Manoj Sankhe, Deepak Patkar,” Volume Estimation from Brain Magnetic Resonance Images using Gradient Filters”, NeuroQuantology 20 (10), 9477-9487. (Scopus Q3)
  2. Heta Naik and Prashasti Kanikar, “Credit card fraud detection based on Machine Learning Algorithms”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Volume 182,Number 44 ,ISBN: 973-93-80899-89-6, March 2019
  3. Prashasti Kanikar and Disha Rajeshkumar Shah, “Prediction of Cardiovascular Diseases using Support Vector Machine and Bayesian Classification”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Volume 156,Number 2 ,ISBN: 973-93-80895-12-2, December 2016
  4. Teli Shahrukh and Prashasti Kanikar, “A Survey on Decision Tree Based Approaches in Data Mining”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, ISSN: 2277 128X, Volume 5, Issue 4,April- 2015, pp. 613-617
  5. Prashasti Kanikar, Rajitha Koppisetty, Shubadra Govindan, Sharang Bhat, and Mansi Virani, “Semantic Analysis on Twitter Data Generated by Indian Users” ,International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 7, no. 9 ,2016
  6. Sonal D. Raut and Ms. Prashasti Kanikar, “Vehicle Tracking And Monitoring Using ARM Hardware”, International Journal of Infinite Innovations in Technology|ISSN:2278-9057,IJIIT|Volume-III|Issue-III|2014-2015 January|Paper-04.
  7. Prashasti Kanikar, Twinkle Puri, Binita Shah, Ishaan Bazaz, Binita Parekh, “Comparison of FP tree and Apriori Algorithm”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Development e-ISSN: 2278-067X, p-ISSN: 2278-800X, Volume 10, Issue 6 (June 2014), PP.78-82.
  8. Prashasti Kanikar and Ketan Shah, “Finding actionable rules for business decision making”, Techno-Path, Journal of Science , Engineering & Technology Management, ISSN No. 0975-525X, Vol. 4, No. 2, May 2014
  9. Prashasti Kanikar, Twinkle Puri, Binita Shah, Ishaan Bazaz, Binita Parekh, “Comparative Study of Apriori Algorithm Performance on Different Datasets”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 4( Version 6), April 2014, pp.38-43.
  10. Sonal D. Raut and Ms. Prashasti Kanikar, “Information Extraction and Rule Prediction Using DiscoTEX”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, e-ISSN: 2278-067X, p-ISSN: 2278-800X, Volume 9, Issue 3 (December 2013), PP. 42-48.
  11. Prashasti Kanikar, Ratnesh N Chaturvedi, Vibhishek Kashyap, Pooja Likhite, “Image Steganography using DCT, DST, Haar and Walsh Transform”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA),Volume 65– No.17, ISBN : 973-93-80873-57-5, March 2013.
  12. Prashasti Kanikar and Neha Mishra, “A Survey on Web Pattern Mining”, International Journal of Applied Research & Studies (IJARS),ISSN 2278 – 9480 , Vol. II/ Issue 3/Mar, 2013.
  13. Zaid Makani, Sana Arora and Prashasti Kanikar, “A Parallel Approach to Combined Association Rule Mining”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Vol 62, No.15, ISBN : 973-93-80872-44-0,January 2013.
  14. Editor’s Choice Paper: Prashasti Kanikar and Ketan Shah, “An Efficient Approach for Extraction of Actionable Association Rules”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Vol 54, No.11, ISBN : 973-93-80870-55-0, September 2012.
  15. Akshay Kajekar, Shreyash Patel, Sweta Chauhan and Prashasti Kanikar, “Blending of Face Segments” ,International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies (IJCSIT) ,Vol. 3 Issue 3, May – June 2012, ISSN 0975 – 9646.
  16. Akshay Kajekar, Shreyash Patel, Sweta Chauhan and Prashasti Kanikar, “Extraction of Face Segments based on Proportion”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research(IJSER), Volume 3, Issue 5, May-2012, ISSN 2229-5518.
  17. Prashasti Kanikar and Dr Ketan Shah, “Extracting Actionable Association Rules from Multiple Datasets”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), ISSN: 2248-9622, Volume 2 issue 3,May 2012.
  18. Pradyumna Deshpande and Prashasti Kanikar, “Pixel based Digital Image Forgery Detection Techniques”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), ISSN: 2248-9622, Volume 2 issue 3,May 2012.
  19. Krishna Modi and Prashasti Kanikar, “Application based File System”, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Volume 41– No.1, ISBN: 973-93-80866-66-4, March 2012.

Book Published

  1. Prashasti Kanikar and Ketan Shah, “Combined Pattern Mining : An Efficient Approach for Business Decision Making ”, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN : 978-3-659-18396-6, July 2012.


  1. Jai Ramani and Prashasti Kanikar, “Detecting Distracted and Drowsy Driving with Deep Learning Techniques and Facial Landmarks”, Fourth International Conference on Innovations in Computational Intelligence and Computer Vision (ICICV-24), Jaipur, April, 2024.
  2. Chand, P. Jain, A. Mathur, S. Raj and Prashasti Kanikar, “Survey on Visual Speech Recognition using Deep Learning Techniques,” 2023 International Conference on Communication System, Computing and IT Applications (CSCITA), Mumbai, India, 2023, pp. 72-77.
  3. Prashasti Kanikar, Manoj Sankhe and Deepak Patkar, “Comparative Analysis of Filter Impact on Brain Volume Computation”, Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications, IBICA 2022,”Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems”, vol 649. Springer, Cham.
  4. Prashasti Kanikar, Manoj Sankhe and Deepak Patkar, ” A Comparative Analysis of Classification Algorithms for Dementia Prediction”, Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications, IBICA 2022. “Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems”, vol 649. Springer, Cham.
  5. Prashasti Kanikar and Disha Rajeshkumar Shah, “A two stage classifier for prediction of cardiovascular diseases”, ICWET (MULTICON)-2017,Mumbai, March 2017
  6. Pradyumna Deshpande and Prashasti Kanikar, “Classification of vehicles for Automation of Traffic Surveillance System”, ISTE National conference on Computing and Information Technology 2013, Mumbai, February ,2013.
  7. Prashasti Kanikar, “e-learning”, CSI National Conference on ”Transforming Dreams into Reality”, Indore (M.P.), May, 2005.