SAP ID: 40000856

“With 10+ years of teaching experience in the field of communication, as an educator, I am committed to creating dynamic and inclusive learning environments, encouraging critical thought where students feel confident and empowered to succeed. I am passionate about understanding the realms of gender studies, media representation, cultural studies and how it impacts society. I believe in the transformative power of education to shape lives, transform communities; and therefore I am constantly striving to inspire my students and make a difference to build a holistic society.”

SM Handles:

Educational Qualification (highest):
  • NET
  • M.A. Honours in English

Area of Research: Gender studies, Media representation, Teaching-learning Effectiveness, Mythology

Department: Basic Sciences and Humanities

Basic Information:
  • Email Id:
  • Landline extension: 022- 45024737
  • Desk (location): Faculty room 101, Cubicle-6

Ankita Das has dedicated over ten years to teaching in the realms of communication, English Literature, and gender studies. With a background in English Literature, her primary focus lies in equipping students with effective communication skills. Her expertise extends across language and literature, where she actively engages in teaching and research. Through her participation in numerous conferences, she delves into the intricate connections between language, media, culture, and gender portrayals. Additionally, Ankita plays a pivotal role in mentoring students pursuing humanities research. Her multifaceted accomplishments underscore her commitment to scholarly endeavours, teaching, and scholarly community involvement.

  1. Dr. Mohammad Irshad Hussain, Dr. R. Preetha, Mahesh S. Naik, Hrushikesh C. Panaskar, Ankita M. Das, Assessing the Effectiveness of Flipped Classroom Strategy on Student Performance, ISSN 2063-5346, European Chemical Bulletin, Vol. 12, Pg No: 2883-2896, Special Issue-8 (2023). Indexing: SCOPUS Indexed Journal. doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si8.206
  1. Book chapter – Ankita Das, “Changing paradigms: Exploring LGBTQIA+ representations in Bollywood” in Dynamics of Social Changes Trajectory through Literary and Linguistic Studies, Edited by Dr. Sudarsana Sarkar, Dr. Udayan Chakroborty, Dr. Priyal Panchal. [ISBN: 978-93-91044-58-9] (In-press)
  1. Presented a paper on ‘Media and Human Rights: A Changing Perspective’ in the UGC sponsored national seminar on Media and Human Rights: A changing perspective, organized by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Calicut on 1st & 2nd March 2017.